Are you reading this page and unsure what direction to take in life?
- 1. Are you in a job or at a stage in your life where you feel that you haven’t yet uncovered your full potential?
- 2. Do you still have dreams from childhood or at the back or your mind that you have been delaying pursuing?
- 3. Do you feel as if you were in a rut and would like change?
- 4.Have you been subject to the recent economic changes and uncertainties and would like to turn the recession into opportunities?
Then if so, I can help you do that with…
- Seminars on life purpose
- One to One guidance.
Are you a parent?
- 1. Do you care passionately about your teenager’s future?
- 2. Would you love to learn practical steps to help guide your teenager?
- 3.Would you like to be able to guarantee your teenager a happy and successful future?
If the answer is yes, then I can help you do that with…
- Programmes for teenagers on life purpose and direction
- One to One guidance sessions
- Seminars for parents and teenagers